Finding inner peace within yourself

Inner peace is a deliberate state of psychological or spiritual calm despite the potential presence of stressors. Your inner peace is the greatest and most valuable treasure that you can discover. Do not let the behaviour of others destroy your inner peace. Set peace in your mind as your highest goal and organize your life around it. Inner peace begins the moment you choose not to allow another person or event control your emotions. No one can give inner peace to you but yourself. Until you listen to your heart, you’ll never find the peace of mind. You find peace by realizing who you are at the deepest level and not by rearranging the circumstances of your life.

Inner peace eliminates anxieties, fears and worries. It also removes negative thoughts, stress, lack of satisfaction and unhappiness. Never be in a hurry, do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not loose your inner peace for anything whatsoever. Even if your whole world seems upset

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Everyone deserves to be happy

Everyone deserves to be happy and no one has the right to make others unhappy in their process. Everyone deserve to be with somebody who makes them happy. Somebody who doesn’t complicate your life, somebody who loves you. Everyone deserves someone who makes them look forward to tomorrow. Don’t be afraid to ask for everything you have ever wanted in life.Happiness is at the core of our experiences. We should not deny ourselves the feeling of being happy. We are human beings and happiness  is a vital part of our survival. You deserve to be happy because your pain is not useful to anyone.

Forget about the past and stop observing others. Because you are beautiful, you are amazing, you are unique, you are capable and because you are worth it. Be strong enough to let go and wise enough to wait for what you deserve.

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A positive mental health

I believe having a positive mental health allows us to enjoy life’s pleasures, enjoy what you like doing best,believe in our own abilities, cope with the normal stresses of life, work or study productively and enjoy socialising. I have always felt scared of doing crazy things not knowing the end results of it. Overthinking has always had the best of me, making me not to cope with the normal stresses of life, work or study productively and not enjoy life’s pleasures at ease.

I learnt that having positive thoughts can benefit to my mental health issue, whereby by focusing on positive thoughts it will lower my rate of anxiety and i will be able to cope well with challenges since instead of seeing it as a challenge i can now start seeing it as an opportunity.

Maintaining a positive mental health can be quite hard because there are things that you have to give them up. So i tried out some tips to try and keep it in check. I have made an effort to keep in touch with my friends and family, this helps in socialising, and it’s quite good actually because it helps one to not be in their head for a moment.

With any problem that is troubling me, i have tried to talk it out with my friend and it has helped alot in maintaining a positive mental health. You can talk to someone you trust about what you are going through and they will hopefully try and offer solutions to the problem. And if a complete solution is not offered, it’s still okay. Like they say a problem shared is a problem half solved.

When it comes to food alot of what you put into your body can affect what you feel inside and out. I try to eat the right kind of food and drinks to keep my mind active and at an optimum level of concentration.

From depression and anxiety to stress and ADHD, exercise is one of the most effective ways to improve your mental health. It might be hard to be consistent, but exercising for atleast 30 minutes everyday or atleast 5 days a week can be really good in maintaining a positive mental health. Cardio is my best exercise so far.

Finally, having a good night sleep is healthy for your brain. It restores the ability to concentrate and pay attention, helps you make better decisions, reduce focus on negative things and a better memory. Make a sleeping routine timetable and try as much as possible to follow it.

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How to overcome Insomnia

Basically this is when you have difficulty falling asleep or when you wake up in the middle of the night or when you have non-restful sleeps and early morning awakening. Some of us have experienced this and it’s not pleasing at all cause we all want to sleep well and get that beauty sleep without using any pills. We have all been told that insomnia can cause the symptoms of anxiety, depression, stress etc worsen. So I’ll be sharing some few tips that i use to help me overcome insomnia without medication.

I have came up with an exercise routine whereby I exercise in the morning for atleast 30 minutes in a day. You can also do it in the evening depending on what suits you best. I do yoga mostly.

You can also do relaxation exercises before bed, mindful breathing and progressive muscle relaxation

Every morning i wake up, I have a routine of opening my blinds and windows, and when I’m done i head to my balcony to get some natural light exposure. I also get some in the afternoon depending on the weather. During dark winter days you can try using a light box first thing in the morning to help your brain wake up and regulate your body’s rhythms. Also make your sleeping hours constant every night.

I have established a regular bedtime routine where i take a warm bath before bed and I make sure that my sleep environment is pleasant and relaxing, that is i ensure that my rooms temperature is okay and small things that like my pillow are comfortable to sleep on.

Try it also.

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How you can offer emotional support to your friends or family with mental health problem


Try and listen to what they have to say and be patient with them.


Spend time with them and offer to take them out or go to somewhere they like and enjoy being there.

Help them

Help them to find the right support and be supportive by offering to go with them to the doctor.


Always remind them that you are there for them no matter what.


Always be their number one encourager and motivator.


Help them organise their schedule, their time and balance work and home.


Take time to educate yourself and learn more about the problem they are experiencing.


Don’t be so persistent and pressure them to talk about things that they don’t want to talk about. Rather offer them a safe space for them to be comfortable and be open.


Be there to help them with daily tasks or activities to avoid overthinking.


Stay in regular contact with them, by calling or texting them or better off go visit them.

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Let’s support each other

Be a good friend or a good family member and support your loved ones. Here are some of the things that you shouldn’t say to a friend or a family member experiencing mental health problems. I believe sharing it with you will help you get to be me of a supporter than a toxic friend or family member

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Learning to accept what you cannot change

So i read a short article about teaching your heart to accept what cannot be changed and that it’s a simple one sentence intention but such a difficult practice. Since I realised that I had anxiety disorder I have been battling with accepting the things I cannot change and it has not been easy and i know it has been a journey for alot of you. I had to learn first if i was to change the situation or my feelings about the situation for me to feel better. People told me to just accept it not knowing that it’s not as easy as it looks. Especially if it’s about the fear of the known or unknown.

I learnt that I need to accept my feelings of that situation. Because accepting how i feel creates a foundation for acceptance, forgiveness, and eventually, moving on. I sometimes quiet my thoughts because it’s important to recognize that thoughts sometimes prevent you from learning how to accept the things you cannot change. They keep you in resistance.

Asking for help is also good, it shifts our perspective to see trials in a more loving way. You can get ideas on how to go about with changes you want to accept. Not trying to accept the changes can hold you back. And if you take that step you will be able to influence others in taking that step.

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Get a better understanding when your close ones tell you that they are mentally ill.

You’ll have to understand that having a mental illness isn’t easy. And it’s even harder when people assume that you can just get over it. So I asked a friend of mine who doesn’t know that I am mentally ill, something about mental ill people and she was grossed out about it saying that they are mad/insane people. It really pissed me off but I couldn’t blame her. And this is why people who are struggling with mental health will find it hard sharing it with friends and family because some are uneducated about it or they will either not understand or not trust you with important things. You should know that they are still the same people you knew before finding out they have a mental disorder.

Friends and family should understand that it’s never easy. And if it was that easy we wouldn’t be struggling in the first place. They should understand that those who suffer from mental illness are stronger than they think. Fighting everyday to go to work, care for our families, be there for our friends, and act normal while battling with unimaginable pain.

When that friend or family member has explained to you what they are going through, you should really see effort. It can be really stressful to explain what’s going on in your head when you don’t even understand it yourself. They deserve just as much support and compassion as people with physical health conditions. It’s common and could be anyone. The trouble is nobody wants to talk about it, and that makes everything worse. Offer a safe platform for them to feel safe and share.

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How to deal with unsupportive friends and family when you have mental health problems.

Everyone experiencing mental health problems should know that it’s not their fault

Everyone needs someone to talk to, someone to listen to them whenever they have a problem. It is very important to have people in your life who either understand your condition or are willing to try. And, if friends and family are unsupportive, blaming you for the symptoms of your illness or making thoughtless remarks, it can make you feel really discouraged and can be tough for you.

You can always find support within yourself by understanding that not everyone understands what you are going through and that, them not understanding has nothing to do with you, it can be lack of knowledge of what your are going through. And sometimes they need education so that they can better understand what you are going through.

Your family and friends might be Struggling too

Know That Other People May Be Struggling, just that they haven’t shared their story with you. And by that it’s hard for them to give anything to you, especially support. But you can always find support from discussion groups or from a therapist.

Believe on the facts about mental health and not myths

Don’t listen to what people say about mental health problems, stick to the facts. Also be direct when you ask for help. Some people may be willing to help you out even though they might not know what you are really going through.

Cut off toxic people in your life

Don’t forget to be good to yourself by being your greatest supporter and motivator. Avoid toxic relationships that bring about negativity towards you. Cut them off of your life or find a way to try and mitigate the damage and If you can’t, find ways to either limit your contact with them or bolster yourself against their insensitive treatment.

Limit your contact with toxic people

Try and harness your emotions for good, use your anger with the other person to your benefit. Instead of turning your anger at the other person inward and beating yourself up for your failings, channel this anger into doing something positive.

If you have an opportunity to ask for help, do it.

All in all, sometimes the best thing you can do is seek support from people who do understand what you are going through. If the people in your life are not giving you the love and support you need, try expanding your social support system whether it means seeking help from a mental health professional or joining an online or in-person support group. Ask for help.

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Self care is simply taking care of yourself and all you need to do is set time for it. Self care relies on increased self-awareness, which can benefit people who are living with a mental illness. Practicing self-awareness can help you to recognize patterns in your emotions, including events or situations that can trigger worsened symptoms.

With anxiety I always want to be close to someone who understands me and is supportive. I always want to be distracted from my thoughts and worries. And being alone in the house most of the time is challenging. So I always try to find ways to take care of myself. I do alot of exercises which helps in clearing my mind and relieving stress and the same time it takes care of my body. I have tried yoga a couple of times and meditation too. I also watch a lot of movies.

With self-care you can choose either self-love, alternative healing or medical treatment. Self-care will help you to take your power back and by this you have to reclaim it first. It will help you in recharging yourself. And when you are fully charged you will now be able to not adapt to the energy in the room but influence the energy in the room.

You can’t pour from an empty cup. As much as you get busy taking care of others,dont forget that you are also important. Remember to always take care of yourself mentally, physically, and spiritually.

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