How you can offer emotional support to your friends or family with mental health problem


Try and listen to what they have to say and be patient with them.


Spend time with them and offer to take them out or go to somewhere they like and enjoy being there.

Help them

Help them to find the right support and be supportive by offering to go with them to the doctor.


Always remind them that you are there for them no matter what.


Always be their number one encourager and motivator.


Help them organise their schedule, their time and balance work and home.


Take time to educate yourself and learn more about the problem they are experiencing.


Don’t be so persistent and pressure them to talk about things that they don’t want to talk about. Rather offer them a safe space for them to be comfortable and be open.


Be there to help them with daily tasks or activities to avoid overthinking.


Stay in regular contact with them, by calling or texting them or better off go visit them.

Let’s help each other get through this

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